Friday, June 24, 2011

My List....

Tackling this move right at this very moment seems extremely overwhelming to me. I have about a thousand things to get done and once I am finished with those, I will have a few hundred others. I thought I would make a list and check it off as I accomplish my tasks. I will highlight my completed items...sooner (hopefully) rather than later...stay tuned!

Tonsils Suck....

so Quinn's doctor decided to yank em along with his adneoids. My poor little boy has had a heck of a time in his first two years of life. Knocked out his front tooth at 10 months, chipped the other front tooth a month later, ear tubes, hospitalized due to an infection from the ear tube procedure, and now this. Oh and this surgery took place the morning after we found out about our life chaning move. 
The surgery went great and Quinn did very well the day following. We were released from the hospital and he was in great spirits. Enter yesterday. I had a different son. He refused to swallow, talk, eat, drink and he had a raging fever. The ENT advice nurse hates me now...I called several times. I even inflated his symptoms because part of me wanted him back in their care because I (in my mind) was failing miserably. He sat, lifeless, on me the entire day. Today he has perked up a bit. Ate a little applesauce and that's about it. His doctor called this morning and there went my water works. I felt ridiculous. I felt even more ridiculous when she was trying to reassure me that I was being a good parent and was doing all the right things. I am the one who does the reassuring I am not the one who needs it...uh...I felt horrible. BUT..the good news is that each day that passes is a day he gets closer to being back to his amazing little self.
A BIG high-5 to all of the moms out there who have to be the mom/dad/nurse. It's friggin hard sometimes!
The “Swoosh” called and we answered. On a random Saturday evening back in April Matt received a call from one of his favorite people at Nike. He called to inform him about a position opening up at headquarters in their Sports Marketing Legal Department. You would have thought that the person on the other end of the line told Matt that he had won the lottery. This was not only his dream job…but the job he had dreamed of getting once he achieved his dream of returning to Nike in some capacity. I am not joking….Matt probably would have joined them as a cobbler if that was the only job left. After four years of working towards his dream job, he had the possibility of actually getting it. The timing could not be any worse as things had been so strained. But what the hay….might as well throw his name in the hat and see what happens. Fast forward to last Monday where an offer happened! The call came in at 1:32 pm on my phone. I was at Starbucks (where else =)) and didn’t answer. I received and urgent email saying “Call me ASAP.” My first thought was “Sh** what did I do now.” I called and Matt could barely fumble out the words to tell me that he had been offered the job. My legs went limp. I literally could have fallen right there (drama). My heart was pounding my palms were sweating and it seemed like my world was spinning out of control. This was it…this meant we were moving. Not in a month, not in two months…in TWO WEEKS. I still have four weddings through August and September and plan to stick in Cali till those are done...but we have already planned our first trip to OR to look at homes (YIKES). These next couple of months will be interesting to say the least....I had better hold on to my hat!