Thursday, August 16, 2012

I Quit My Job

I quit my job....

Yup, I finally did it. I have been gainfully (or sometimes, just employed) since I was 14 1/2. I had to get a work permit from my high school. I remember my first job...Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe. The owners were some close family friends of ours. I loved working there! I worked every Saturday from was awesome. I actually took a few life lessons from that job. "Waste not want not" is one I can't get out of my mind. Even to this day, if I squeeze every last drop of ketchup out of the tube and hum "waste not want not!" in my head. From there I launched my career in retail and bounced around a few shops. My look changed with the retail...Wet Seal to a Skater girl when I worked at the newly launched skate shop/skate park in the mall (man I was so cool and ubber hot then =)). I transitioned into the real world of work at a great company run by my then best friend's father. He taught me a TON as well. I learned a lot from him, in fact I think I learned the most from him. There were a ton of rocks in my working road and they all lead me to the legal experience I have gained. I have loved my unexpected career path. It has been awesome working with some of the most educated people in the country. I have worked at one of the top law firms in the country and now the top legal placement agency in the country. Which leads me to this last move...move out of my longest lasting job...Operations Manager with Lateral Link. I spent five years of my life devoting so much energy to this company. I honestly think I grew the most while there. I learned a crap load about how shitty people can be and how money can wreck partnerships. I also made a great deal of friends, some who will be friends for a lifetime. After a few months of discussing and financial planning and worrying, my husband and I decided it was time. Time to step away from my 50 hour a week work weeks and to take a deep breath to focus back on my family. 

This has been a whirlwind...this has been crazy...but I am so confident in my decision. I am so confident that God has given me the peace to take this huge leap into my future.